Monday, March 23, 2009

Just a quick update about my weekend, with a promise to tell you about the Buckcherry Concert and the Ringling Brothers Circus of last week tommorow....

Went to the Home Show at Ramapo College in Mahwah, New Jersey you need to know that my sister, my daughter, and I are Home Show maniacs...and my daughter is the "Queen" of conning unsuspecting window salesman out of free swag, such as pens, bag clips, and candy. Normally, we can spend at least and hour or two pretending that we are interested in refitting our tub or installing new leaf gutters in order to get a tootsie roll pop for free; today, however, the show was so tiny we were in and out in fifteen minutes, with almost nothing, save a bag full of items from one particular tree service professional. To add insult to injury, we also had to pay seven dollars each for this privelege. They should have paid us, judging by the desperate look of men in polo shirts with the name of thier company emblazoned across their chests.

Lesson learned: Stay away from shows sponsored by JMK shows (

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