Thursday, December 16, 2010

Imagining The Possibilities: This Is The Moment!

I have been noticeably absent from the usual posts on this blog.  There is a good reason for that and it is time to share that reason with my readers and followers.  And that reason is all about new possibilities and snatching that one moment in time that affords us the ability to change our direction.

I was recently contacted via a Facebook message that a person from a long ago past was looking to talk to me.  I hesitated at first thinking, " Maybe this was a can of worms that should stay sealed?".  I thought about the possible motivations as well as if this opening of communication would have a negative effect on my life.

I opened my mind and my heart in that instant and decided that if I limited myself by trying to second guess another persons motivations without opening my ears to listen perhaps I would be making a mistake.  I reasoned that there was possibility in stepping outside the box and taking a chance.

And I am so glad that I did!  For now it is important to know that in a single instant my whole life has changed and one small possibility has morphed into a lifetime of endless possibilities. 

I have learned that you are only limited by the chances that you choose not to take and that risk is an inherent part of reward.

Oprah understands these types of possibilities; it is literally the story of her life.  As you might have heard, she is launching "OWN" ( Oprah Winfrey Network)  in January 2011, with a focus on inspiring people to live their own best lives, much as I have recently begun to realize through my own, very personal experience.

No doubt she will focus on the positive sides of life and the host of possibilities that is available for each and every one of us, including you, my dear readers. 

I have wonderful dreams for not only this New Years, but for many New Years to come; my own possibilities are now seemingly endless and without restraint.  I know that if I project positive that positive will naturally come my way.  This experience has shown me how powerful possibilities really can be.

I have hopes of a life shared with love, respect, and laughter; I know my possibilities are rapidly becoming my realities.

Take a chance once in awhile; never be afraid to dream and when you dream, dream big! 

Watch with me in January to see how Oprah can inspire you to live your best life and let me know what possibilities are within your grasp as the year 2011 begins.

Disclosure: I wrote this blog post while participating in the TwitterMoms and OWN: Oprah Winfrey Network blogging program, for a $50 gift card. For more information on how you can participate, click here

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